H3H3 YOU'R3 W3LCOM3!! JUST KNOW TH4T 1M 4LW4YS GO1NG TO B3 H3R3 TO LOV3 4ND C4R3 FOR YOU!! And just know that no matter what happens there's always someone there you can talk to. *whispers* hint hint. It's the radical me that you can talk to! Just know that no matter what happens, thick or thin, I will always be by your side to listen, to pull you up when you're down, and to be your best friend forever! Little old crazy me will never leave you because I shall glue us together forever!!! Hehehe I'm so random!! No but no matter what I will never leave you my randomness, craziness, and weirdness shall never leave you because all three of those things make me me, and since they make me me, and they will never leave you alone, I will never leave you alone in the dark!!! I care too much for you, so I would never want to see you slip away through my fingers!!! I love and care for you too much to see that happen!! And I know we've barely known each other for only a year, but I think that what our friendship is made up of, out of a strong bond between us. I can call you a true friend because our bond is a lot stronger than other bonds I've had with other people and my other friends. This is the main reason why I would never want to leave you!! So I want you to know that from now on you're going to have to live with my randomness, craziness, weirdness, and me forever and ever because I'm not going anywhere!!!
-I love you so much!!!!
-Your Best Friend,
Anissa, Terezi Pyrope, and many others!!!
\(*o*)/ (total randomness party!!!)