tagged by the wonderful @ellinafatima! love you <3
13 things about meh
A. I love green fruits. You mention it...green apples, green grapes, etc.
B. My favorite genres of music: pop, rap, hip hop, pop punk, pop rock, electronica, indie pop.
C. I'm from East Africa <3
D. Huge advocate of #BlackLivesMatter !!!!
E. Dream career: psychologist/philosopher/psychiatrist/physician
F. Omg I love realistic fiction.
G. Jacqueline Wilson was my favorite author as a toddler, and still is. Love her lots <3
H. I'm a TCK.
I. I speak English, Swahili, a whole lotta French, and a lil Spanish :')
J. I #FeelTheBern AHAHAHAHA okay
K. I have one sister, and a half-sister.
L. Born on the 1st of August. I'm a Leo!! Some famous leos include: Barack Obama (4th Aug), Kylie Jenner (10th Aug), Daniel Radcliffe (23rd July). Leos are the best yo
M. My favorite colors are blue, black and white!