
lookin back at my ii fics i wonder if i should rewrite ashes to be longer. but im so so so so rusty with writing them and im already working on another fic. followers please i would like Opinions.


guess who’s a liar! (me, who hasn’t even made a new doc to rewrite ashes and almost refuses to reread it) 


lookin back at my ii fics i wonder if i should rewrite ashes to be longer. but im so so so so rusty with writing them and im already working on another fic. followers please i would like Opinions.


guess who’s a liar! (me, who hasn’t even made a new doc to rewrite ashes and almost refuses to reread it) 


sometimes i get notifications for people reading through my old ii fics and then i cringe
          not because they’re old or anything but just because they’re... so short. less than 500 words per chapter. i should’ve put more on those chapters and they’re all so bare bones
           i see “someone voted on this chapter of grounded ashes!” five, maybe six times in less than an hour and i think “wow. i could have put so much more in those chapters”
          i’m feeling emotions right now pls hold 


I know what you mean I'm just saying I still enjoy them :) @ceruleanskieswastook