
So I come back and my tutorial book has 2.6K views?? What the hell! I remember taking down some chapters, might put them back up idk


It's been soo long 


@-dankbot yeah I've found that tiktok jas the perfect amount of bite sized angst povs even though I shouldn't like them


@ceryneiangraphics_ ahhh I am barely active too except reading cringe fanfics 


@-dankbot I decided t see how it was going and all


So like there are those TikToks about strict parents controlling every aspect of their children's lives but those parents aren't strict, they are abusive.
          Like having strict parents means having a lot of rules, no romantic relationships and having to tell your parents what you want to do and not immediately being sure if you're allowed.
          Not getting your phone smashed because you're on it too much.


Okay this is random and all but like it is so on brand so I'll tell you.
          TW: k*lling I guess
          So I dreamt I had to get killed or something and I was fine with it and then I got angry at the person who had to kill me because he was slow af.
          Like I think I've seen my future


@thelightbender I feel like this is the true Gen Z spirit