so cessy kuy is a curvy genius😛😁 yea i personality according to all those google personality test is some Efjp class.☺😌 i dont know wat it entirely means buh i happen to be a debator😄. and my friends can attest to that..i love winning thou wen its for a good cause😃 am a quick thinker,original,an excellent brainstormer😄😉 i love nothing more than a good challange. Charismatic,very argumentative..😚😜😉 and i dislike practical matters. ..i loove romance books they enable me to create a certain bubble in my life where no one can burst it buh i am also able to differntiate it to the real world.i love food 💗🍕🍕 esp.👈 i would marry for pizza💋💁..yess i would. am a very imaginative person i create scenes in my mind at all times even while doing an exam..or even talking to my self so that means i zone out a couple of times.. am a writer..tho i have not yet written a story i do a couple of spoken words and scripts ..yea pretty much that simple 😆. i love reading and supporting people who favorite writer well i have several buh am a fan of Nora roberts.Sydney sheldon..yea those two..and here i love sweetdreamer33..and definately my girl 👧😍 joygah12..
best of all am african and kenyan to be specific 💜💕
am a perfomer thus love dancing alot...💃💃.
i love acting...drama is in me ..and i hop to get to the entertainment industry asap!! 👌..
i love learning new my country there are over 43 languages and i always hop to learn at the very least 13 of them..
am currently struggling with french and spanish ..lord all this verbs especially french i need help😮😅😟😓😫😒
anywho.....thats all me in writing buh am sure other people would have a different description it all deepends with the skeleton u decide to show👤💀👀...
my parting shot.....👊💞💟🎯..
you only cross the sea once u get the courage to lose sight of the shore..✌💝💖..Christopher columbus
- JoinedDecember 4, 2017
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