
Hey everyone, it's been a while since I have posted anything but I am currently working on another fairy tail fanfiction as well as a demon slayer which is the characters plus Hikaru reacting to their future. If there is any particular characters you want to be reacting feel free to let me know. Also if there is something in my Dom slayer fanfiction that you want to be more explained because you didn't understand, also let me know and I'll try to include it if I can.


@cfitz43 so excited I can't wait


Sorry if it seems like I'm pushing I promise I'm not trying to seen that way at all but I wanted to see if you were okay because you haven't updated in a while


@cfitz43 don't worry about it I just wanted to make sure you were doing alright I know the amount of bugs that have gone around this year has been crazy 


@jinxed_panda thank you for the worry


@jinxed_panda I am going fine, my health is a little up in the air at the moment but nothing too bad. I'll try my best to update soon


Hey so I know this is probably gonna come off as me trying to push and rush you but I promise I'm not trying to do that at all but I was wondering if you had a possible publish date/time/area for a new fairy tail book 


@jinxed_panda not rushing at all so no worries and no need for apologies


@cfitz43  No. No apologizing. I'm impatient and tiered and in pain about 24/7 rn so I understand needing to take time for yourself and take care of personal issues before anything else and I'm sorry if it felt like I'm trying to rush you I promise I didn't try to make it seem that way so don't feel the need to apologize and make sure to take time for yourself


@jinxed_panda I am hoping to start publishing either next week or the week after, sorry for the wait