Preview posted in PARADISE VIDEO!!!.. Thank you all for the reads and being supportive as well. Shout out to my girl @JessEubanks for everything. Keep up the GREAT work with your books and If you have not read her work go read it. It is amazing and has a lot of action, will have you on the edge of your seat, it's cute, it's funny and I love the bromance.. Her work is my favorite on here and can't wait to read more.. Now I can finish up on my reading list and coding.. Have a great day and be safe you all.. Happy writing Link to my new work for PARADISE but check out video first: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/6525066303176704

That’s so cool!! I’ve seen that stuff advertised a lot, I think there are a ton of people into it. I hope your story does well on there, that would be awesome!!