
how have you guys been? sorry about not posting in like months. i'm gonna try to post really soon. if i don't feel free to harass me. you will probably get a new poem quicker that way. 
          	anyway, remember to drink water AND eat. take care of yourself, have a shower, read, whatever. love you.


@cgormley4 life is lifing. Have you read the powerless series?


          	  i've been ok. you?


@cgormley4 yeah, um, we're gonna skip on the harassment part .... aNYWAY.. how ya been?


how have you guys been? sorry about not posting in like months. i'm gonna try to post really soon. if i don't feel free to harass me. you will probably get a new poem quicker that way. 
          anyway, remember to drink water AND eat. take care of yourself, have a shower, read, whatever. love you.


@cgormley4 life is lifing. Have you read the powerless series?


            i've been ok. you?


@cgormley4 yeah, um, we're gonna skip on the harassment part .... aNYWAY.. how ya been?


yesterday was birthday


lol. the same thing happens to me ALL the time


@cgormley4 I'm dead serious  its like my fingers sometimes move against my will and just press "send/enter" 


@G-luna-G lmao, are you sureeee that wasn't on purpose?


hi, guys!
          i hope all of you are doing well. once again i'm sorry that it has been a while since I posted. as usual life has been hectic and horrible.
          should i post a new poem?
          i was going to because there is one topic i have been wanting to write about for a while and when i finally got the courage the ideas just came to me in waves. and i wrote it all down on wattpad and it was really good. but then wattpad deleted it...
          i'm going to try and write it again but it probably won't be as good.
          anyways, i love you. you are loved, beautiful, talented, and it WILL get better. drink water and EAT. have a good rest of your day and I will try to post either today or tomorrow.


words cannot express how pissed i am right now.
          i was having a really bad day today and i'm also on my period so when we were in gym class i wasn't trying that hard. our gym teacher was having us do squats and only a few kids did them but for some reason he only noticed that i didn't. and then a few kids in my class started glazing the teacher by giving me dirty looks and telling me to do the squats that they themselves didn't do.
          and one girl who i'm always nice to even though we aren't friends was being particularly rude. so i told that i didn't f*cking care about doing the squats. and our gym teacher fliped out on me and took me to the principals office and then they had so call home and they give me this whole incident report to fill out. and they were borderline yelling at me and because my hormones were crazy i couldn't stop crying. 
          and if you know me i almost never cry in front of anyone but it came out of nowhere and wouldn't stop and i was so embarrassed and now i never want to go back to school.
          but yeah! that's how my day went. hbu?


@cgormley4 ugh, just another reason as to why the school system is messed up


Hi guys! I'm so, so, SO sorry I haven't been posting. I promise I will. Like, soon, probably today or tomorrow.
          Recently my mental health has been at one of many all time lows. I've basically just been bed rotting when I'm not at school. It's not even like I want to go to school, I just have no other choice. Like getting out of bed in the morning is one of the hardest things I've ever done, to the point were my parents are dragging me out of bed. I feel incredibly guilty about it but I'm constantly running on 0.
          But, I hope all of you are doing good. And make sure to TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. Put you and your own needs before others if you need to, it is NOT selfish not mater what anyone says. Remember to drink water AND eat. You are beautiful inside AND out no matter what. I love you and keep on fighting. xo


@bookisheaven13 sameeee. except while all my friends say i'm super nice everyone else says they're kinda scared or me before they actually get to know me. which sucks and is probably the reason i don't have a lot of friends, but it's fine


@cgormley4 I relate ;) I'm the therapist of my friend group, and they say I'm really nice, but I feel like I'm the cruelest human ever


@bookisheaven13 stoppppp, ur making me blush!(i'm really bad a taking complements or anything of the sort)


hey guys. sorry i haven't posted in a while. school's been kicking my ass and i feel like i'm drowning in my work.
          i hope you are all doing well. if you ever need to vent i'm here.
          also, do you guys want a new poem? cause if u do i can write one now, just let me know.


@cgormley4 Life is dramatic sometimes. I just don't know if I'm doing it right