Omg thank you , thank you for reading it x I’m gonna finish yours as well cuz I’m hooked I’m just still driving cross country xx lol wish me luck with my driving! X
@larryiicx اما انا مترجمتك المفضله !!!!حبيبي والله فرحتيني اليوم صباحي مممررره حلو اول مره يكون كذا ،شكرا مره والله وإنشاء الله تعجبك ترجمتي لذي الروايه .
@chachacha1999 aww fudge. like, I've read and liked fics where both top but Louis is the one who's more Dom. I wanna read your stories but I'm afraid I'll cringe away the moment I see b!L action