
Haha it's 4:10AM and I feel like I'm dying ówò


Do you find it odd that online we could find people going through the same things as us, or going through things that we thought were not possible? A person of double your age may be freaking out with you about the silliest things, but it's not strange. We meet faceless strangers, but we still cry together. You can get attached to someone across the globe, and it's not weird. In fact, it's absolutely beautiful that we can actually look at people for not their physical appearance, but their souls. I'm very glad to converse with you, and remember to keep smiling, love! 
                                                                   <3, The Oracle


@Oracle_In_Disguise life is confusing in so many ways and sometimes i get confused about what I'm confused about, dude


@GayYetNotOkay *shrugs* I don't know, man. It's midnight where I'm currently at so I'm as confused as you are.


@Oracle_In_Disguise this just made my day! Thank you very much for making me smile even though we literally met under half an hour ago. (But honestly i'm confused because i pulled an all nighter so is it 'you made my days' or just 'you made my night and day' or 'you made my early morning' i'm so conused help)




Just casually stalking ur profile 