
Hi Everyone,
          	Long time, no see!
          	Ive popped back onto Wattpad and added the first 6 chapters for Crimson Guard for you all to read! However is it actually a published story that's available on Amazon!
          	If you'd like to read the full book please get your copy from there, or! Message me for a free ebook copy in exchange for a review!!
          	Speak soon!


Hi Everyone,
          Long time, no see!
          Ive popped back onto Wattpad and added the first 6 chapters for Crimson Guard for you all to read! However is it actually a published story that's available on Amazon!
          If you'd like to read the full book please get your copy from there, or! Message me for a free ebook copy in exchange for a review!!
          Speak soon!


Here is the link to Crimson Guard on Amazon Kindle for anyone who ever wants to read it again! 


You totally deserve it, sweetheart. ❤️


@MichaelShivaSurya you are literally the BEST ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I bought it XDDD 


I want to thank everyone who has read Crimson Guard so far. You have all helped me so much over my time writing Fawn's adventure! I will now be removing the story from Wattpad to self publish through kindle! Wish me luck! Book 2 will started during the Xmas week! 


Awww, thank you so much, dear! ❤️


Just finished reading Crimson Guard I loved it cant wait to find out more. Dont forget to tell me when you write the second book XD. I love each of the charcter even though I find one really anoying I think you can probably tell who from my comments. XD Cant wait to find out more.


Okay everyone! I have made the decision to self publish! I need someone to go through and help me edit the whole book and then the book will be taken off Wattpad for publishing! You'll be able to read the first 4 chapters still, not to worry! But if you want to continue with Fawn's adventure then you will have to get a copy  this won't take effect until the end of October so read the book whilst you can!!