
the ultimate bliss i felt when i first started writing and uploading chapters of autumn will forever be one of the best things that's ever happened to me


Hey I read this book in January this year but I’ve been thinking about constantly the last 7 months I loved it so much <3 Anyway I was wondering if you’re writing anything at the moment or are planning to because your book was so addicting and I want more ❤️


@HeyAdora646 awwe this is so sweet it really means a lot that people still read my story and that it has a positive impact on people I am not currently writing anything but there's always a possibility that I'll post something else up here :)


Hey,love I was just curious if your book “Autumn” was based on the book”if he had been with me”?  Cuz I was planning on reading it but if it’s based on that book I don’t think I should damage my mental health even more. That book destroyed me. But anyyywho get back to me whenever you free 
          Luv ya


I don’t think so I haven’t read that book but from what I’ve heard I don’t think Autumn is similar :)


Hey author!! I just completed 'Autumn' and to say I like it is an understatement. I LOVED IT. Every bit and piece of it is my favourite. Damn, the characters, the emotions, the storyline and the whole plot, it's so well written. Tbh in the starting I felt the chapters were off but by the end i loved them all. You deserve all the appreciation, lots of love to you<33 


this is soo sweet!!! it’s funny because ive been wanting to revise the beginning chapters for a while since i wrote those when i was much younger but most people have said not to cause there “authentic” I love the later chapters so much more and reread them sometimes  :) im so glad my story could mean so much to you <3