
Hello everyone. I am so sorry for the lack of content I have been producing as of late. I am at the last week of school and I need to desperately pass at this rate, and I have been extremely overwhelmed with life and my mental health. I haven't been able to fully touch on my writing or my favorite hobbies and I have been trying to find reason to keep pushing in terms of this series. I am sorry, and I will try over summer to write as much as possible, even if it means I force myself too on very rare occassion. Thank you all for waiting for an update, and I hope you all have a good day.


Hello everyone. I am so sorry for the lack of content I have been producing as of late. I am at the last week of school and I need to desperately pass at this rate, and I have been extremely overwhelmed with life and my mental health. I haven't been able to fully touch on my writing or my favorite hobbies and I have been trying to find reason to keep pushing in terms of this series. I am sorry, and I will try over summer to write as much as possible, even if it means I force myself too on very rare occassion. Thank you all for waiting for an update, and I hope you all have a good day.


Hello everyone! I am so sorry for not updating as much as I should. I will make sure to release chapter nine hopefully soon along with 10 and maybe 11. School has and is a pain in the ass right now, so I am really sorry if I don't meet anyone's expectations. Thank you all for everything and thank you for continuing to support me :)


I wanna thank you all for 160+ reads on Squad Lightania. This truly means alot to me as a writer and I truly feel like my hardwork is paying off, and I have alot  of things to say.
          This story had helped me through alot of dark times and it's motivated me to keep going throughout life, writing and art.
          It's cheesey. But I appreciate this all, thank you guys so much :)


Hey guys its Chance If you somehow forgot I existed (tbh I forget I'm even alive at some point while I'm playing video games so-)
          Just here to welcome you cool kids to my wattpad.
          So just a few things before I start to release a story I had written for a week (Chapter One is already completed) I will be putting TWs on my opening thingy (front of blog? I forgot) and on my author's notes.
          Because alot of the fanfiction I'm planning on writing will be rather dark, it will go into topics that will make people uncomfortable so I will be sure to put trigger warnings on every chapter if you need one. 
          I will be making a little blog asking people for any fanfiction suggestions. Feel free to dm me for specifics or such things.
          Thank you all for supporting me so far, I hope I can become well known around these parts of Wattpad.
          Warmest regards from the
          Chancellor of Lightania,
          PS: Make me a pizza.