
Exciting news! Chapter 7 is now available, and I encourage everyone to dive in and take a read. Let's explore the latest developments together!


Dive into the intricacies of life in Chapter 8 of "Wrinkled-Faced Angel." Delima grapples with interpersonal banter, misunderstandings, and more, creating a captivating narrative that mirrors the complexities of human connection. Explore the nuances of love and friendship in this gripping chapter- THE REALISATION


@KiBLS_Poetry  the best thing is to vent out.. definitely you become what u think no doubt abt that ...but sometimes when you are stranded  you do every possible thing to take a leap and push yourself out of the situation but in vain in those times a fleeting glimpse of universe wishpers in your ears so you think all this while it was you the laughs...LOOK AT THE REALITY..BE HUMBLE....AS THERE'S NOTHING CALLED TRUTH...coz truth is just interpretation of different school science, religion,rationalism, socialism, capitalism, and still we aren't perfect the only truth is nothingness from where everything originated...and all those friends and foes you encountered, many friends were unintentionally harmful to you and many foes were unintentionally helped you to progress ...SO what is the Truth....Truth we can only seek.... and no matter what you do it will happen when it has to can only seek...that itself is a discipline 


@chandPrashantt Hm that reminds me of the proverb by socrates; I know that I know nothing :D lol... and no, I am german but I have dealt with many cultures, religions and belief systems. And I don't see the glass as half full but as half empty. You can recognize something positive even in the greatest chaos. As for example in Goethe's Faust; “I am a part of that force,
          That always wills evil but always creates good.” But I'll leave the destructive verses aside because, as I said, I think more positively than negatively because positive thoughts make you feel better and negative thoughts leave you feeling powerless on the ground. You could say; you are what you think :D lol...


          The farthest star told me: light and night, kind and unkind, all are blind.
          They look at me, having sorrows swallowed thee. Can't you see? It is just pride,
          An empty vessel of chaos and fight.
          Look at people, side by side. How are you any different? You are just a parasite,
          Changing colours, crimes, and horrors, seeking errors, sustaining hollow fervours.
          Can there be any light? What is night? Kind and unkind, all are blind.


Exciting news! Chapter 7 is now available, and I encourage everyone to dive in and take a read. Let's explore the latest developments together!


Dive into the intricacies of life in Chapter 8 of "Wrinkled-Faced Angel." Delima grapples with interpersonal banter, misunderstandings, and more, creating a captivating narrative that mirrors the complexities of human connection. Explore the nuances of love and friendship in this gripping chapter- THE REALISATION