
Continuation to the last message I know I'm taking a lot of time to update but please try to understand it isn't like I'm having a blast in my life and ignoring the books , only I know how I have survived the last year and how I had spent so many sleepless nights because all the those expections and responsibilities felt a little to heavy for me . I just gave my number entrance test a few days back so now I'm finally free but the last year still feels like a hazy dream to me so it's taking a little bit of time for me to get normal and be back in my rhythm. So PLEASE just let me have the peace and space that was missing from my life and I promise that I'll come back with better and regular updates.
          	And Thank you to all those who were patiently waiting for each update , I'm extremely grateful to y'all and I promise just a little more time and I'll be back.


@chanelxjennie awe, we understand.. We'll be waiting! I hope you get everything sorted out soon <33


Hey author  , my matric result came and I got good marks I was worrying but now I am happy but 1st year is also not easy . I hope you see this message 1068/1200 marks . And plz  upload let me go it's Soo good and I want teahyung and jennie to be together and also taehyung backstory and why he is so cold plz update . I know now that when you go to higher classes study becomes very hard and it's hard to find time . But plz  try to update let me go . This week 


@chanelxjennie hey unnie did your writer block issue fixed plz (if your not busy) especially .so plz try to upload let me go this your only story which has 6 parts and I want justice plz upload at least 15 parts then upload other parts of your other story . Plz do justice to your story let me go . And I am not saying it in rude manner I am saying these things in a friendly manner plz don't leave Wattpad and your story your followers misses you and loves you plz don't abandon us 


@ARMOALINKS congratulations on your results , sooo happy for youuu. I'm on writers block and that is the main reason for not uploading but do'nt worry i'll try to update soon 


Hey, your stories are unique and awesome, love them


@chanelxjennie thanks  I really needed this now I can peacefully make different scenarios of this story in my mind  at night and sleep  gomawo


@chanelxjennie plz upload let me go 10 part I don't if I will ever get to see because on 9  my results are coming and this year I didn't do well plz I beg you 