@Star-Yeb Hello. I realise that I’m no longer going to be on Wattpad. First of all, I’m sorry for stealing your old username, I was just being annoying and wanting to entertain myself. I guess I just wanted to distract myself from the hardcore stress I’d been feeling these past months. I know you won’t forgive me but please know that I have changed...and I won’t be bothering you ever that vote spammer. I finally realised that I had been wasting both my time and yours, and for that, I am sorry. I should have had the brain to think that what I was doing, was wrong. I am deeply sorry to have to trick you, and you may have your username back. @ObsessedPinapple For you, I am also sorry for tricking you especially. I remember you were the one who tried to see from both sides and remain neutral. Even though clearly, I was in the wrong...I always am anyway. I know you too, won’t be able to forgive me, but as I’ve stated before, I won’t bother you at all. I have wasted my time enough. And to all those too, who were involved in the so called “coincidence” of username theft...I am deeply sorry. To make amends for this, I will leave Wattpad...well basically a “ghost.” Sincerely, “Hannah”
Oh....... I just wanted to be your friend...... It was nice knowing you
@changeforright Actually I’m neutral on forgiving you I just need to know who you are but you probably won’t tell me I’ll just forgive you (but I don’t but I do)