I really hate to do this omg this is so sad. But I feel like closing this account for now :( I was never really active here (except for when I first started this account up until last year) which is one reason why I'm thinking of closing this account. I don't have the motivation to write anything, and I'm always super busy which also takes apart as to why I'm not active here. I don't even come on here to read books anymore either, and it's because I've grown out of reading fanfics. It's not that I don't like them anymore, it's just that I personally don't feel comfortable reading them now and I don't know why. I'm basically just never on wattpad at all; I don't write or read anything so that's why I'm temporarily closing my account. I might come back onto this account one day, but it won't be anytime soon. I'm too busy with school and extracurricular stuff, as well as I don't have the ideas or the motivation to write, and I don't read fanfics anymore so there isn't really a purpose for me to be on here. I'll still keep the one book I have up, but all my unfinished/unpublished books will probably be deleted. Anyway, thanks for your understanding, and I'll hopefully be back here one day!