╰O5/21/17 ;; 11:37 AM╮
it's been almost 1 month ㅋㅋㅋ sebong's comeback iz fast approaching so i'll start reading some stories I've saved in my sebong's reading list hoho ヾ(o◕ω ◕)ノ
╰O5/21/17 ;; 11:37 AM╮
it's been almost 1 month ㅋㅋㅋ sebong's comeback iz fast approaching so i'll start reading some stories I've saved in my sebong's reading list hoho ヾ(o◕ω ◕)ノ
╰ O4/23/17 ;; 3:49 PM ╮
hannyung mates! this iz the kyutie patootie krisna speaking (or writing---watever). so as of 3:49 PM, i'll start reading the stories i've added in the 'exo reading list'. first fandom first ;) good luck saken, tho. sabog feels ahahaha. ٩( 'ω' )و