
I've finished planning how Cold is going to play out. I even have ideas for spin-off endings :]


ılıl﹕﹒i promise i am working on both porcelain skin and cold. i even surprised myself by picking up my soogyu fanfic and writing a bit while waiting for my food in a turkish restaurant—i just started typing and finally got that rush back. 
          however, though i am writing the following chapters for both books, i really am desperate for feedback and ideas for the future of these books. i have a couple of ideas but i want the thoughts of my readers...
          what are they thinking about the book? what do they think may happen and how? etc.
          i am mid-finals right now and procrastinating galore, so a few ideas from readers would be great. when i see that people enjoy what i write, i feel a LOT more motivated to update and work on my books. and i have quite a few silent readers which doesn't help that much, as much as i appreciate the votes, i appreciate feedback more even if it's not always positive. 
          i'm just looking for 1-2 people to look over porcelain skin and cold and tell me their genuine thoughts and whatnot. and if anyone does, i'll make sure to pay them back of course!
          i'm so happy to finally be back into writing, so expect an update in the coming week <3


Can someone please give me the motivation to update ;—; 


@chansdimpledsmile HELP I WAS BOUTTA THROW HANDS WHEN I SAW THE NOTIF ;–; but thank you so much for your advice! (The second half lol). I'm going to try those suggestions as soon as possible. I hope that I can get an update out soon for both Cold and Porcelain Skin <3


@chansdimpledsmile Bro you're so bad you should js quit lmao (JUST KIDDING JUST KIDDING)
            IN all seriousness, whatever you're going through to make you think otherwise about updating, take a second to look back over the book in whole, question why did you make that boo? Are you too far in to leave? Is it your absolute passion to write? If you don't find it enjoyable then I see no reason to continue on with the agony lingering over, you as you stress on updating. However, If you are having a simple writer's block then review the book and see any openings or new tunnels of thought to use as leverage. If there aren't any new pathways coming to thought, then leave it be until one does. 
            Regardless, you're an amazing writer and have so much potential! Many people have doubts about their writing but you should do it for fun, not because you feel like you should force yourself to, (Unless its some type of personal thing or coping mechanism of some sort) You got this and I hope you gain your motivation to update your book!


At this point, kpop awards need EXPERIENCED authors to judge books, because getting random people with no actual vouch other than that they've read a lot of ffs does not cut it. A lot of the time, these people do not understand what actual good punctuation and writing looks like, they just say whatever and that pisses me off because really good books don't get the recognition they deserve, because the one judging doesn't actually know what a well-written and compelling read looks like. Other times judges are plain biased, if a book is about a group of their preference, they tend to place higher. And, on top of that, they give little to no feedback, which only shows their own lack of skill.


ㅤㅤㅤ✸ㅤ——  i've been watching knowing bros (aka men on a mission) and trying to catch up to the most latest episode. anyway, today i reached an episode featuring eunwoo, bin and two sbs announcers as guests. 
          every time i see moon's grin & his beautiful eye smile, i swear my heart breaks a little more. i wasn't a massive aroha, but i'd always had a liking for moon, i watched all his dramas and listened to his and sanha's music religiously, so yeah, i loved him. 
          i was initially drawn to astro because of their fandom name—aroha which means love in māori, language of the indigenous people of new zealand, aka where i'm from. 
          at that time, when moon and the stars met, it felt like astro was slowly falling apart. i thought they would disband but i'm so thankful that they stayed strong for aroha, and i'm thankful that other fandoms came together to support aroha and astro as well. 
          moon was a beautiful person, he still is, let's just always remember him that way.