
Hey everyone! :) I just posted a new story called: 100 songs -the Cullen Playlist- It is a collection of oneshots and I want you to choose the topic or more specific a song! :D No matter what idea, tell me and in the end, there will be the Cullen Playlist!!! So I hope you'll take a look and tell me all about your song ideas!
          	Greetings, chantisweety


I hope your semester went well.  It is time for another Semester to begin.  I hope you had a good break.  I wish you well in the upcoming months.


@ vaccbi09   Thank you :) the semester ends at the end of January and then I'll finally have more time to do other things  :) I wish you a great spring and lots of sun after these last cold months. 


@ vaccbi09   Thank you :) the semester ends at the end of January and then I'll finally have more time to do other things  :) I wish you a great spring and lots of sun after these last cold months. 


@ vaccbi09  Thank you :) the semester ends at the end of January and then I'll finally have more time to do other things  :) I wish you a great spring and lots of sun after these last cold months. 


Happy Thanksgiving.
          I hope your studies of the basics
          Are going with few struggles.
          This year as a sub of regular and Spec Edu I often wonder how I made it 40 years teaching and now a sub since 90-10 school year.
          Have a good couple of days break.  Gwen


@ vaccbi09  Thanks :) you too! So far it's all going great, thank you!  Chantal 


I am waiting to read Everlasting Days all the way through.  I was so caught up in the other books that I. Did nothing it seemed but read day and night.
          My question is do you know yet about how many chapters this suspenseful mystery might have.
          Good luck on your work at school and your exams.
          I did not go for my Masters in Education but taught Special Needs So Edu here in Texas for 40 years before retiring in 2009.  Now I 
          Substitute teach.


@ vaccbi09  Thank you! That's how I found many of my favorite stories, too. I will definitely, thank you for the offer! :) 


@chantisweety   Thank you.  I love your work.  CriminalBones    
            Led me to your work just as another writer led me to hers.
            If you ever need any help with your teaching assignments that I  can help just let me know.


@vaccbi09 I'm not sure yet. I made a rough plan of plot. The end should be around summer time and they are now at the end of October. So I know what is supposed to happen but I can't tell you when I will finish it. My studies start again next month and I don't know how much time I'll have to write then. Thank you :) I am going to be a teacher too but a few years are still in-between. 


In Beautiful Days I have never laughed more with 2 of the chapters.   
          I downloaded the app Pinterest as you gave a lot of information to view.
          I didn't find what to do.  I looked again and noticed you used
            de pinterest.  
          Do I need to copy down the site and put that in my phone?
          I love all the twice and turns of your work.  
          I read CriminalBones work and that led me to read more C and Esme stories.
          I read all night a few times last week as I read the DAYS books.


@ vaccbi09  hi! ☺ thank you so much again! Have you tried the Pinterest link on my website? I've linked my Pinterest account to my wattpad one. Or you try searching for Alice's dreamworld? 


Hey everyone! :) I just posted a new story called: 100 songs -the Cullen Playlist- It is a collection of oneshots and I want you to choose the topic or more specific a song! :D No matter what idea, tell me and in the end, there will be the Cullen Playlist!!! So I hope you'll take a look and tell me all about your song ideas!
          Greetings, chantisweety


Hello :) I just wanted to tell you that I won't update any of my stories until at least the weekend :( I still have so many exams and don't have enough time to write... I already started writing updates for "Prisoner of Memory" and "Beautiful Days" though! <3