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Hello fellow humans!
New information that (if your reading my books on this account or my other one) everyone needs to know. As some of you may know, I use the same powers or gifts for a lot of my sci-fi or fantasy characters. This is just some of the main components to any characters gifts.
-can't be killed nor can they kill themself, emerald weakens/suspends power/kills my character depending on how badly they're wounded by it or how much is ingested by them.
-Can heal quick (sometimes instant) and can also heal others (fairly fast too)
- Can move/lift/push/throw/catch ect. objects/beings/buildings as long as she fully healthy and lifting buildings drains the energy (can move objects without even touching them too)
-Can make people see/hear/feel different from everyone else (can alter what someone sees so they don't see something she doesn't want them too
-can change appearance to just about anything, hasn't quiet gotten to shape shifting into animals yet but can change her appearance to blend into surroundings like terrain or objects like book shelves and shit.
-teleportation sometimes, can also faze through walls.
These are just some minor stuff. Other stuff comes with different books depending on which story I'm writing.