heyooo, did ya miss me? i was on vacation when trust finished so i didn't get to go on my insanely long psychotic rant abt it, therefore here it is!
here's one last analysis where i pin point ten details i noticed!
1. during the epilogue, it's said that it's actually y/n's bday! this sorta implies that they either died on their bday, or right before it! ofc, there's no evidence backing this up other than the date being mentioned in the epilogue
2. it looks to me that y/n's execution has no name...? idk if u did that on purpose or if u just didn't wanna think of a name, but i think the fact that their execution is nameless is actually rly smart. this is bc it could imply that they're so forgettable, that the staff didn't even bother to think of a name for their execution
3. since they were slowly being hung in their execution, it would sorta looks akin to a puppet hanging by strings in a way, wouldn't it? that implies that this entire time, they were simply a puppet for team danganronpa, doing whatever they said to get their attention
4. kokichi watched the entire season over. and over. and over. that means he saw y/n cry, he saw the moment they revealed themselves to the audience, and he saw the moment that they started doing s/h
5. since y/n took off their jacket (which, btw, i had a feeling they'd do!) that means their s/h scars were exposed
6. since their scars were exposed, that would kinda imply that throughout their entire execution, most of their secrets were exposed. their true motive? shown by their desperation to get ppl to watch them. their role? despite being the mastermind, they're still just a puppet on a stage. how they managed to stay calm? they didn't, evidently bc of the s/h scars