Where will life take those who write like me, will we get published or will we stay on sights like this until they finally shut it down, unfinished stories collect dust in our documents. Many years of suffering writer's block when a crack appears and soon it's gone again. Hard ships in life preventing us from expressing raw emotion with our art. One day none of it will matter, but will matter to the world is how rich we became and how well known we had been, all of this pain will pass one-day young ones. Just keep walking up that hill, help those on your way and you'll all be happier at the top. Overlooking the struggles you dealt with in the past and looking to the horizon where your future lies waiting for you. People we know will come and go, we'll lose pets and family through the years as well as people you knew as friends. Don't forget from whence you came, the problems and pain you endured to get where you want to be. The storms will pass and you'll be standing above it all. Everyone you meet today impacts your life later on, despite you not noticing. Every once in awhile take the time to look back at who you know and what you gained or lost. Once you do that and realize where you're going due to influences, spend as much time you can with those who care about you. In the end, we all lose everything when our time is up take the chance to force your fate if you have too. If you see your life getting ahead of you take the time to sit back. Once you know where you want to go take that path, whether it's alone or with friends. None the less we all will survive if we keep our heads held high and our hopes on the horizon.