
Sorry I haven't been on I've been busy with just life stuff and my two year old. *sips vodka* anyways,I randomly wrote a new plot to In Valintines Jacket. It WILL BE EPIC!.... and sad. but YAY! ITS GOING SOMEWHERE! SO BARE WITH ME. I'll probably post 5 chapters at a time more or less.*gups vodka*  Updates will be crazy I'm sure lol I love you all for being here and still reading. ❤ 


Sorry I haven't been on I've been busy with just life stuff and my two year old. *sips vodka* anyways,I randomly wrote a new plot to In Valintines Jacket. It WILL BE EPIC!.... and sad. but YAY! ITS GOING SOMEWHERE! SO BARE WITH ME. I'll probably post 5 chapters at a time more or less.*gups vodka*  Updates will be crazy I'm sure lol I love you all for being here and still reading. ❤