Web services helps the evolution of Web technology in a way that it provides simpler manipulation of data, access, efficiency and effectivity of any known activity that involves the use of the Internet. To access an application regardless of what platform and programming language anyone is using, is very easing. It gives the user the comfort of not going to the troubles of disseminating information manually since he is able to access it over the internet. As the web technology advances, so as its services. People do not tend to notice the advancements of the web services since its not that noticeable when you do not know what it actually does. Web services are the ones that make any internet application likeable, it may not be as clear as what the web services developers is thinking, but it really is one of the factors that makes the user utilize their application. User's utilization and idea of any application affects its development or its updates. Web technology advances for the fact that good services is provided.