
Again, when you worship Somebody and they follow you back. I am very happy right now.


@charlielulu69 no you're good, it's melodiesofrain


@renisnotaghost nevrmind lol. Just read your post.


@renisnotaghost oh, who? Don't got to say, just curious lol.


Again, when you worship Somebody and they follow you back. I am very happy right now.


@charlielulu69 no you're good, it's melodiesofrain


@renisnotaghost nevrmind lol. Just read your post.


@renisnotaghost oh, who? Don't got to say, just curious lol.


At my college, they have this program where students who don't meet benchmark on the act( a test like the sat). Then they have a little beginner help. I have been stressing about this. You have to have 5 study hours logged in, go to two workshop events, and go to four advising appointments. I only had one workshop and there were about 1 hour i didn't have one week. They don't carry out to the next week if you go over. I just learned that i passed! Finally! Thus program doesn't allow you to declare a major until after you've passed.


hello, I just need to say something. I hate myself. now before you say that i'm trying to get attention or sympathy. you can know that this is my wall. I did not check the notify my followers box. i'm saying this here because I have no where else I can say it. so I think I am asexual. I could be demi, I don't know. I don't like any sexual contact or hearing about it. i actually don't like any contact at all, unless i am the one who initiates the contact. I like making sexual jokes and I read sexual books because they interest me. I don't know what I am, asexual I the closest I got. I have no experienced person to help me with this. so I told my brother this when we were having a discussion about homosexuality. he tolerates it, but says its wrong. I know it is a sin, but so is lots of things and all sins are equally sinful. he said that, "oh! your one of those people." I asked him what he meant. and he said the ones that believe in more than homo and hetero. he said that is when it is not tolerable. I just want love for every one. and rights for them, I don't like hate. i also like boys, but think girls are pretty. and not in the normal way. i just would never do anything with them. i didn't tell my brother that. no one except my friends know that. i also talked about how i think a girl shouldn't be expected to shave. i'm not a naturalist, but if i don't want to shave then no one should tell me it's not lady like. that girls shave, why do girls have to shave? why do girls have to worry about the men in society's opinion? im sorry about my rant, i just needed to get it out. i don't even think people will read this.


You're a real Christian. Don't let them tell you any different 


oh and i hate myself because my parents and brother want to tell me my opinion is wrong and im not a real Christian.