
Yaaay I just put chapter 1 part 2 of ‘Bro, I think Jackson Woo is into you’ up! 


First chapter of my new story is up! ‘Bro, I think Jackson Woo is into you’ About two straight guys being pretend boyfriends. 
          One is half Korean, the other Dutch. Will partly take place in Seoul and Amsterdam. Hope you enjoy the beginning! I am open to feedback :) 


Noooo T-T But I think I fixed it, can you see it now?


@charliemydearest Ion see your story ;-;


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"Arthur. You are quite possibly the only person who appreciates me in this world. I wish you were a girl so I could fuck the hell out of you."
          He looked up at me with the cheekiest smirk that only he could ever display. 
          CHAPTER 1 of ‘Limerence’ is available my dudes :) Inspired by Kill Your Darlings