
I have covid lol


Ayo you good bro? 


@charlienotpoggers aw im sorry man let me know if you ever want to talk :)


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Have you ever been to a birthday party for children,and one of the children wont stop screaming,cuz' hes just a little attention attracted,when he grows up to be a comic or actor,he'll be rewarded for never maturing,for never understanding or learning,that every day cant be about him,theres other people,you selfish asshole. I must be psychotic,I must be demented,to think that I'm worthy of all this attention,all of this money you worked really hard for,I slept in late when you worked at the drug store,my drugs attention,I am an addict,but I get spayed to indulge In my habits,its all an illusion,I'm wearing makeup,makeup,makeup,art is dead,people think you're funny,how do you get those peoples money?