
I've never been easy to understand 


For I am the sandstorm, and you are the sand


Ti amo


You don't even know how much you mean to me, you and your eyes and your beautiful mind and your embrace and your kindness and your fun side and your strong arms and your cute nose and your cold feet and your gentle hands and your beautiful face and your giggles and your smile and everything that is you. You make me so genuinely happy. When I'm with you, all that is wrong in my life goes away, all the problems disappear and all I see is you. You're my kind of quiet. I love you so, so much


Sometimes I wish we were two stars, dancing around the universe, no space time, just me and you and the light and the moon and the quietness, we could sleep on a cloud together and we could greet the sun when it first rises in the morning and we could make best friends with the moon and we could talk about all the little things we love and we could be just happy above the sky