
          	I'm back, and working on some fresh (non-horse) stories! Slow updates and continuation of currently unfinished works may commence, and I'm super excited for what's in store. Thanks for the patience while I got my life back under control :)


          I'm back, and working on some fresh (non-horse) stories! Slow updates and continuation of currently unfinished works may commence, and I'm super excited for what's in store. Thanks for the patience while I got my life back under control :)


Hi Charlotte! Thanks so much for the recent follow. If you like fantasy, you might want to check out my YA fantasy SHADOW HUNTER. If you're looking for writing tips, I have a writing tips book on wattpad too... maybe they'll help you to commit to some of the great story starts you have up here!


          I've been diagnosed with a condition called SVT. I have one or two extra electrical pathways in one chamber of my heart, and when those extra pathways fire, my heart can't contract properly. It messes up the part of my heart pumping blood to my lungs. 
          I have to see a specialist, and have a few more tests, but nothing is life threatening. One thing is that I may not be considered severe enough for treatment :( 


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Hey, lovelies :)
          So, you may have noticed my recent hiatus. I have a very good explaination for it. 
          I've felt very tired and exhausted for several weeks. I haven't made it through a full week of school since Easter. My marks slipped. I would sleep from nine at night until seven in the morning, a long time for me. 
          On Friday I felt unwell, more tired than usual. I stayed home. 
          Saturday, I noticed pressure in my chest, but I wasn't as tired. Deep breaths ached a bit, but I figured it was asthma and humidity. 
          Sunday, I felt like shit. I couldn't catch my breath, and it would got odd throbs in my chest. I ran a low grade fever. 
          By the evening, I was scared. My mom brought me to the ER, where an irregular heart beat was recorded during triage. I was immediately admitted, an electrocardiograph was done, and then I was taken for bloodwork, x-rays, and another electrocardiograph. 
          I spent most of the night there, only released on the condition of seeing my family doctor the next day. My mom had to watch me that night, just in case. 
          I haven't had a formal diagnosis yet, but there are a few suspicions. Pericarditis, a thyroid condition, to name a few. 
          I'm allowed to rest and nothing else. My resting heart rate is 100-110 bpm, and it rises and falls along with my blood pressure. Anything stressful has to be removed from my life at this point. I can't ride or even finish my semester at school. 
          So, I won't be writing. At all. I have to put my health first. 
          Sorry to take up your time, but thank you for understanding. I'll keep you all posted, if you want. 
          -Charlotte :D