So it’s been a very very long time since I was here. Life got in the way raising my kids and I’ve had health problems. Two spinal ops my gall bladder removed and some other stuff I’m still dealing with. It’s a lot and lately it’s really been getting to me so I decided to come back and I re read my stories and geez the spelling is atrocious auto correct is not my friend there haha. But I had some ideas as to how to carry on the story so I’m writing again just on paper right now till I have some good stuff then I will be updated you all with issys life journey. I’m so sorry it’s been so long I’m sure I’ve lost a lot of followers but I’m here for the therapy that reading and writing gives me. Speak to you all soon. X

@charmed080810 sorry bout your health I pray you be that great you was working for I feel having a chance to know you better I feel happy with your words