
/ cb >:3


“ without all the armor..  you..  still look nice .  ”


            “ then . . you’re gonna still eat monster meals up here ? “ interesting . . . kabru was intrigued on how something like that would work ? senshi did seem smart in preserving any food they managed to get , such a task wouldn’t be too difficult for him .
            “ do you need money for more ingredients then ? i just got paid so i don’t mind giving you some if you need it , “ it was the least he could do since laios had helped keep him and his party alive and safe for so long .


            for laios he much preferred the dungeon , its where monsters usually lurked and where delicious monster - made meals were often crafted .  “ nothing compares to the meals senshi makes .  ”  he frowned , not like his team had money for food upon the surface and he’d feel too bad making kabru’s party pay for it .  “ the last meal we had was so good..  if only i could eat it again .  ”


            he hummed in acknowledgement , compared to the dungeon , the surface seemed much more peaceful , at first glance at least . just feeling normal sunlight did help make him feel better , " sounds kinda dumb - but i did miss some of the meals they served for adventurers . "
            anything was better than monster , even if laios' party had managed to cook them all in a way that tasted good .


“ kabru !  are you..  alright ?  ”
          / worried laios < 3 3


            / :3
            from what laios had said before about the itching , scarring was the least of his worries , he already has plenty , “ i feel fine , you did great . don’t worry about the scar , now whenever i look at it i’ll remember you’re the one who healed me . “ 
            kabru smiled at the thought , he was happy laios cared enough to make an effort in the first place , even if he could be obnoxious about it from time to time , “ how are you feeling ? the mana sickness isn’t too bad right ? “


            / FORGIVE ME .
            “ sorry  ,  promise i won’t ask again .  ” laios murmured an apology , hand lightly stroking near the wound as if it would soothe .  his cheeks then heated up some when feeling kabru rested their head against him .  “ here goes nothing..  ” breathing in deep , the tall man begain to heal said wound .  quicker than last time , although a scar still seemed to remain in its place .  “ still haven’t perfected there not being a scar there..  how’re you feeling  ,  kabru ?  ”


            / :3
            “ if you ask me if i’m sure again then i’ll kill you myself , “ kabru scoffed with a smile , although his eyebrow did twitch a few times . of course he trusted laios , maybe excessively so . he was already calm and lax standing almost perfectly still save for him resting his free hand on laios’ shoulder to give him reassurance .
            “ i’ll be alright , if anything goes wrong i’ll just tell you to stop , you need the practice anyways . “


“ i’ve never said this before but..  you have nice eyes .  ”
          / accidental rizz .


            / YOU GOT THIS LAIOS .
            before he could even stop himself , laios felt the blush on his cheeks before he knew it .  compliments weren’t handed often to him believe it or not , most people just thought he was weird .  “ actually..  no one’s ever said that to me before .  ” he shamefully admit it , scratching his cheek some .  “ you’re a good guy  ,  kabru .  you surely deserve compliments more than i do .  ”


            oh . . now he understood , somehow laios was much more subtle when he was trying to flirt as opposed to talking normally , how cute . kabru smiled , " and your eyes remind me of golden sunlight , although . . ' that's something you've probably heard before ' . "
            he made it obvious that he was joking , he knew passive social cues didn't work well with laios , " i appreciate the compliment , it means a lot . "


            / GET ‘EM LAIOS WE ALL SHOUT .
            “ they..  kinda remind me of water .  no  ,  that’s something you’ve probably heard before right ?  i should think up something different .  ” laios seemed nervous , still unsure of himself .  but marcille told him to go for it , and after his shared kiss with kabru..  he wanted to try .


“ kabru ?  is there..  something on your mind ?  ”
          / he’s staring , and laois is..  laios .


            at the mentioning of the nakamoto party , it reminded laios about..  shuro .  about those words which were spoken , promises made .  he would tell falin about shuro’s proposal whether it went well or not .  “ since you’re so sure..  guess there’s no harm in adding another person to my party .  ” finally , he managed to smile again .  hand squeezing the other’s in return .  “ i think..  you’re a very interesting person  ,  kabru .  i like that about you .  sorry if that’s a little strange .  ”


            kabru merely raised a brow , a passive way of letting the other man know he was a bit annoyed by such a stupid and obvious question , “ / yes / . i already have when i first merged parties with nakamoto , this wouldn’t be any different . “
            well . . . maybe just a tad bit different . . he gave laios’ hand a gentle squeeze , now that he actually got to know him , he wanted to make sure he was safe , “ I enjoy being around you , isn’t that a good enough reason ? “


            laios closed his mouth on that one , no point in arguing with it .  but , he couldn’t risk putting the other in danger again .  it was one thing with his team , but another with someone like kabru .  “ you’d really go all that way just for me ?  even with the dungeon changing you’d still follow through in going if that ensures me being safe ?  ” he still seemed baffled , unable to understand how the other was so willing to risk it all just for someone such as him .


who's there ? 


" that would be much appreciated . . " the young woman smiled softly , nodding . all part of her plan , actually - getting him to leave . . 


            “ would you like me to escort you back up to the surface ? seems like you didn’t mean to end up here , “ he offered with a small smile , time wasted aside , it was better than having someone innocent die and wait to be picked up to be revived .


" a dungeon ? oh , dear . . "


“ come on..  try it  ,  please ?  ” 


            " treasure insects . . huh ? " he took a moment to think , he'd definitely heard of those being used as cuisine , he never went out of his way to try it out though . why would he , really ? the ghost thing just sounded kind of creepy , but at least it wasn't an / actual / monster food . for kabru , this wasn't a matter of what he wanted to eat , rather , what he could eat before he eventually just came out and said he didn't want to try anymore monster food . 
            " i'm open to most experiences , it's something i pride myself on , " he boasted , his blush fading as he returned to a more level headed state of mind .


            blinking in confusion at the red tint , laios chalked it up to rising temperatures or maybe..  the meal ? it was hard to choose on which answer was correct .  “ knew you’d be willing !  with all that talk about monsters it’s not surprising to me that you’re willing to try .  ”  he’d smile , clearly enjoying someone else willing in his party’s monster eating life style .  at first it sounded downright disgusting , but never to him .  “ we’ve had a few tasty monsters which made good desserts !  like this one time senshi made holy water to push away ghosts and it froze the bottle making sorbet !  or some of those treasure insects..  we should try making something sweet together next time !  ”


            it wasn’t the monsters he was amazed by . . kabru looked away as he chewed , red tinting his cheeks before he forced himself to swallow , “ i’m more willing to / try / , yeah . “
            it didn’t taste bad , which pissed him off even more , but he definitely had a preference for food on the surface , “ i still have yet to see a good dessert made with monster though . “