
FINALLY UPLOADED!! sorry i took so long guys /: i wasn't that motivated and school's been a pain. anyways hope you like Chapter 6 of Paralyzed, (: enjoy reading loves


sorry you guys! I feel really bad for not updating. I've just been really busy with school. I promise there will be an update next weekend and I'll try to make it really long this time! sorry for the wait! hope you guys aren't fed up with me /: LOL


@samira99 oh that's not a problem lol well i'm adding a bit of drama for chapter 5 but it is still inside the hospital, i was thinking about ariel going with matt to his therapy sessions but i wasn't sure if you guys would find that boring /: LOL I'll try to finish chapter 5 for this weekend i'm sorry for not updating! 


so i'm in the process of writing chapter 5 of "Paralyzed" and I need your help you guys haha :b what do you guys want to see with Ariel and Matt? I'm trying to not make their scenes boring or short soo i'd love to hear some feedback thanks -char