
Hi guys. Does anyone know how to add a cast list to a story? If so, please let me know!


Just leaving another message here from your big brother letting you know you’re beautiful and I love you always. I’m so thankful I met you and we’ve been close for so long. You’ve been the best sissy and best friend I could’ve asked for and still are even with how awful I am at being around lately. You deserve the entire world. I love you so much sissy thank you for everything you do ❤️


I’ll always come back to you ❤️


I love you too. More than I can put into words. You’re not awful in anyway and I’ll always be here


I love you and you’ll always be my baby sis even when we don’t talk much. I wish you were here in person so we could spend time together and talk about life and be closer. You’re amazing sissy. Sending hugs


Me neither ❤️


I can’t wait for the day we meet big brother


This person. Right here. This account holder. See her? Yeah. This is my baby sister. I love you to death sis. Thank you for being the sister I always wanted, for always listening, for being an amazing best friend, and for everything you do. You’re gorgeous!! Don’t forget it! And I will always love you and be here for you. Sending so much hugs and cuddles for my bby. Much much much much love. You’re absolutely amazing as a whole human being and I’m so glad to have not only gotten to get to know you but to have spent this many years by your side and to be able to call you my baby sister. I love you. ❤️
          ~big brother


Hehe that was the goal ❤️ Wanted to make you smile and leave something cute for you :)


I love you tooooooooooo. Jaxieeee awee. This is so cute ❤️


Wowee I haven’t claimed your mb in so long little sis!!! Way overdue. I’m slacking
          I am so so thankful for you sissy and I tell you often but I want you to have another reminder of how much you mean to me. You’ve helped me through a lot lot lot of stuff and I’m honored to be your big brother. I can’t wait to come meet you someday and hug you for real. Thank you so much for everything you do, you are amazing, beautiful, strong, kind, and so so much more. Even though you’re my baby sis I always look up to you because you are such a great person and so much better than me. I love you sissy ❤️ keep being you, I’m always here for you!


@chase5363 aw ❤️❤️❤️ you’re the bestest little sissy and best friend i could’ve asked for


Awe big brother.  Everything you’ve just said I could say to you a thousand times over again. I’m not better than you though. I love you too ❤️❤️❤️


Guess what? 
          You're the best sissy/best friend I could ask for. I love you so much. Thank you for always being here for me hunny I'll always be here to take care of you through good and bad. I love you beautiful.


You got a little one but I'm not pretty I assure you


Yay I'm glad I could hopefully put a small smile on your beautiful face sis. I love you toooooo ❤


Oh my goodness. Thank you love. I appreciate that so much you don't even know. I could say all of that for you (except you're my big brother/ best friend) I love you  