
I ain't been on here in a minute.. 


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look whoever tf you are need stop playing with me because you ain't the real Chase anyway because she nice look people up if you gonna try be that person you stupid ass bitch 


@boss2425 your stupid and retarted ass username xD. you damn sure ain't no boss..


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so when you was talking to tlc_baybee you didn't say it's my fucking world if I say it is 


@boss2425 what? what tf does that have to do with anything?  don't you have voting and commenting to do since you don't have a life? try writing a book, you'll get some attention then. trust me 


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@TLC_BAYBEE it's my world if I fucking say it is! fuck you and your friend. how old are you? 12? go get a coloring book. 


@-ChaseRolison- u da one that started it so what tf is I talking bout✌


@-ChaseRolison- God Gave Me A mouth to talk so imma use it. I don't virtual fight either it's dumb asf. 


@TLC_BAYBEE @Asia_Bae1 stfu both of you, I don't virtual fight okay? 


@TLC_BAYBEE was I talking to you? NO!  So please stfu. You don't deserve to be on this earth you whore. 


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@-ChaseRolison- Whore Whore Whore, that's a very bitchy thing to say don't cha think. First of all you don't deserve to be on this earth because his much drama you started since you been here. You made people delete their books your calling people out their names your talking about people's mamas, so let's just get this out the way , your a bitch your a spoiled little bitch. You honestly think that we're gonna believe that your Tionne 'T-Boz' Watkins sweet little daughter, bitch please. You need a reality check, this is not fucking "Chase Roleplay Land" everyone is not just gonna bow down at your feet just cause you claim to be someone your not. You really need help. 


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@-ChaseRolison- bitch and nobody asked u to make a fake page so shut yo smart ass mouth up before I do it for you✌ and also don't come at me or ma friend like that ever again or yo ass gone regret that shit so why don't u just run along and play in yo boring ass world