
New chapter coming soon, friends! Sorry it’s been a minute! Should be up in a few days. 


Gonna be making some revisions this week because I noticed some inconsistencies/minor mistakes here and there that I need to fix. If you’ve noticed anything that needs fixing let me know here so I don’t have to keep going back!  Next chapter should be done this week too! 


Also!!! Congrats on 7k reads!!!


@chasingdragonflies  the new chapters are amazinggg!!


RIP Maggie Smith <3 I hope my humble story does justice to the character you perfected. 


And agreed. Rest in peace Maggie smith <3


@chasingdragonflies  im so sorry I haven't been alive- I MISS THIS STORY OMG


If anyone is curious about the continuation of Forget Me Not, here’s a little sneak peek of what I’m planning:
          Part 1 will conclude after about 10ish more chapters! What exactly does this mean? Pretty much nothing because we will immediately continue into part 2 lol. 
          Many great authors like Victor Hugo and Charles Dickens would release one story in multiple parts/volumes over the course of many months or even years, so… Not saying I’m comparing myself to authors of their caliber by any means, but I’m also not not saying that lmao. Just kidding. 
          I was considering making part 2 a separate story altogether with a different title and everything, but I think I’ve decided against it and will just make an announcement when part 1 has ended and part 2 is beginning but still publish everything under the same story just to make it simpler so it’s all in one place. 
          So yeah, that’s pretty much the plan! I’m working on my outline today and also chipping away at the next chapter and I’m really excited about what’s to come! 
          Lmk if you have any questions! :) 


@chasingdragonflies  omg. Yes yes yesssss!!!!  Only 10 more chapters? Dang


Me: oh good, he’s all healed up. Glad that’s over.
          Good: *BAM* now it’s your turn to have surgery.
          So… yeah. That happened the other day. I’m alright now, it was a minor procedure, but I’m a baby so I was pretty much knocked out for a couple days. 
          Welp… back to writing. 


this message may be offensive
Just typed up a huge life update and then the browser crashed and I lost ALL of it lmaoooo and I refuse to redo that long of a post so I'm going to try to summarize it as concisely as possible now:
          1. My dog had surgery, which ended up having a lot of complications and expenses and it's been a really fucking hard couple of months so thank you all for being so patient while I deal with this. I live alone so unfortunately 100% of the responsibility falls on me and it's been very time-consuming and exhausting and stressful and aaaahhhhhh!
          2. I've decided I'm going to write my own fantasy novel series with the intention of having it published! This is going to be a long-term project and I'm still very much in the brainstorming stages so it's not something that's going to get 100% of my attention any time soon, but it is very exciting for me! I've always been an artist (a photographer, a painter, a writer, etc) and I know my purpose on this earth is to inspire and create, so the idea of being a published author would be fulfilling a big dream of mine! 
          3. I'm not abandoning Forget Me Not, I promise! This story is very important to me and I want to see it finished as much as you all do :) 95% of the story is already written in my brain lol so now I just have to actually write it up, which is of course the hard part lol. I'm really happy with the direction I plan on taking it in, and I think you all will too! I promise, there's still a lot more to come with Theda & Severus so I appreciate you all giving me the time I need to get this thing done right. I'm gonna be working on it all day today, so hopefully I can wrap up this next chapter! It might end up being a shorter one just because I feel bad for making you all wait as long as you already have! 
          Thanks for being so patient!


Aww that’s so good to hear! I’m glad I could play a small role in inspiring you to write! I really believe we all have a story to tell! 


@chasingdragonflies  well. It's good that your dog is okay!  And take your time with the story! I  already reread about 8 times  it's so good! And yeepie! Your not abandoning the precious book! Unironically I have a whole character, story, and everything in my own head aswell! (I'm way to afraid to post anything) But you did Inspire some parts of another oc I have! (My older ones!) :D


It’s looking like chapter 24 will be going live tomorrow morning, barring any unforeseen emergencies with my dog’s recovery, of which there have been many.  I’m just polishing up the last few bits. I know it’s been a long wait but it’s a long chapter so I hope that counts for something! 


He has his parvo shots!  haha thanks!


@chasingdragonflies  Eee! I can't wait! Even if you made a short chapter, I'm just happy your okay in the end of it! And make sure you watch out for pravo on your dog! (A illness with no cure, and can unalive a dog in the maximum of two days) Just be aware! And make sure you don't stress about making the book! I don't want one of my favourite writers unaliving now do we?