
Birthright is in the process of being approved, printed and advertised on Amazon. As soon as the process is completed, only certain segments of Birthright will be available. I'm tingly all over. That could be because of all the coffee I've drank sitting up editing on createaspace's unreal embedding font process, or that I've sat for so long, I have a backup of urine throughout my body.


@chattanookee lol. Ur funny. I cant eait and i am soooo excited for u. Birthright is among the first lgbt stories that i read in here and have become one of my fav stories here on wattpad (the appeal is on its originality like those all dracula's stories by bram stocker mix with a lil bdsm - me likey; and unlike the nowadays glittery-vampire stories like twilight) I didnt notice that u have other completed stories and I am so excited to read longbow that i am feeling flushed (dont know what to expect if the story is anything like birthright, sooooo.... *wink wink*). And i wanna read birthright again just before its published. 


Birthright is in the process of being approved, printed and advertised on Amazon. As soon as the process is completed, only certain segments of Birthright will be available. I'm tingly all over. That could be because of all the coffee I've drank sitting up editing on createaspace's unreal embedding font process, or that I've sat for so long, I have a backup of urine throughout my body.


Hope ya'll are enjoying my newest endeavor that had been sitting on the backburner for awhile, "LongBow".  I heavily edited the original first 6 chapters, added more spice and it's coming together, finally. Anyone ever get bogged down or suffer from not necessarily, writers block, but ideas? Then all of a sudden through serendipitous dream, a missing piece or a character develops?  Now to find more time to continue writing. It takes me about a week or so to write a chapter. urrrgggg!