
wrote a few poems as of late thought maybe I'd share since i'm not writing anything else!!


BTW please send me stories to read, and if you like mine please tell your friends and fans... I need some new readers and fricken feed back ya'll.  As soon as I finish Abby's story which will be soon I'm working on another story completely different than this drama-do-rama!!! 


Ohhhh my wonderful fans (the two that are reading anyway) thank you by the way! LOL I have uploaded chapter #4... this is getting good well in my opinion! I hope you enjoy this chapter its going to get a it confusing but just bear with me its getting to the important stuff!!!! 


I'm BAAAAAACK!  Bwahahahahahahahhaha after minor difficulties I am back to finally finish Abby's story... thank god this this has been killing me.  And then MOVING ON!!! Hopefully you will all like the new ideas I'm coming up with and where this all goes!