
this message may be offensive
I'm sooooooo sprry I haven't updated in forever, and even sorry-er to make you wait longer, but I am officially postponing my writing until December 18. I promise I will have updates for all my books by midnight of that day. Please do not kill me.


this message may be offensive
I'm sooooooo sprry I haven't updated in forever, and even sorry-er to make you wait longer, but I am officially postponing my writing until December 18. I promise I will have updates for all my books by midnight of that day. Please do not kill me.


Hello i m italian i would like to read your story just do not understand, bebecause it's in English, you could traslate it, and send it to me? Or tell me where did you get it? Grazie, se lo facessi mi farebbe molto piacere!


@ tigercobra115 However , it's okay , I understand and be waiting
            aspetto presto una tua risposta, ci conto


@tigercobra115 You can not copy and paste with google translator ? Make first !!!!!!* laugh


 I went ahead and decided I'd start a Girl Meets World fanfic, because I got an idea that really stuck. So, once I get a few chapters into that story, I'll start working on A Star Wars Rebels story. But don't worry, I won't forget about Descendants and will still update every weekend.


who getting married?


@Eherreraloera You'll find out in the next chapter. I haven't completely decided yet. btw I plan to update atleast every other day till school starts.