
I was just searching for "Black and white Caramel Macchiato text type"......When Kyuhyun, EXO logo, and "Caramel Macchiato" hangul text typed appeared. I am so proud but sometimes get that weird, proud that they are famous even at Caramel Macchiatos, but weird because how the heck? Like, where did this come from?


          I don't really understand that Jessica fan at all, or saesang fans. Its just I always have this feeling that I want every K-pop fans to love or support them for who they are, I want to stop cruelness, we are just hurting them, a lot. I know its impossible to make people fair but, I just wish we can be, I understand that we have this different personalities. I just want to share something I wanted to say for the K-pop industry. That will be all, Thank You.