
@heroinetragedy opps im new to this soo just getin used to the controls...;p ohh  and ill surely read your story...:)
          	 jazakallah sister remember me in your prayers..:D


@cheetabandi Sorry for the late reply. Wasn't notified of it as my user name wasn't spelled in full. Just click the reply button next time. Hehe, I always go on this site like everyday... :p OOO I love love love the story "Shauqina"! The writer is an awesome writer and the story was so touching. :) I even recommended the story to a few friends. :) Hopefully more people would read it! OK I'll call you that then! :D Oh and I've already started on the halal Historical romance I was talking about. If you're interested, it's called "Kasih Nadiah." =)
          Shukran! Happy belated new year and Islamic new year to you too. May Allah continue to bestow us His Blessings and Guide us :) Ameen


@heroinetra well depression adds a bit spice to romance so its actually a good thing ^_^ and it shows your a versatile writer :)  i m getting addicted to this site my mom took away my laptop for two days cuz i was on it for 4 hours( i wanted to finish shauqina lols) so that explains my late reply ... 
           p.s. my real names muqaddas and happy georgian new year... and belated blessed islamic new year may allah bless you with happiness:)   


@heroinetragedy ya i read them i realy liked um especaily your title  but  i couldnt add them to my libaray the site keeps crashing :( first i thought ( omg wattpadd hates me lol ) but then i could add shauqina  so i thought  pfft i need to control my paranoia  :P
           lookin forward to your new story it has two of my favourite tags marriage and romance (yes im a hopeless romantic ;p) upload soon and best of luck ^_^
          oh and i like "keeping hope" too....;)


@cheetabandi Haha, no worries I love making friends ^_^ But, if I ever find out that you're a creepy stalker, I'll make you regret for saying hi to me. >:( Hahah but that's just an IF lol. I don't think you're one anyway...XD
          Well, there are many Muslims on Wattpad that's for sure. But if you're talking about romance stories with Muslim protagonists well so far I've only found two (Shauqina; the one you already have in your library. IT IS AN  AWESOME, AWESOME STORY :D) and Ash (LoVeUnCoNdiTiOnaLLy) 's story Confessions of a Muslim girl does have a little romance in it though it isn't the main focus.
          My story (Dearest Mum and Dad, With Love) isn't a romance though the protagonist is a Muslim. It's a taubah story meant to educate. Non-Muslim people can read it too because the main focus of the story is about why it's important to respect and be dutiful to our parents. =)
          I have plans for another story. It's a Halal historical romance XD By Halal, I mean, romance after marriage :D I'm pretty excited for it! hehehehe :D


@heroinetragedy your welcome :) im new here and i think i just made a friend yayyyy(dont worry im not the creepie stalker type ;p)  i was so not expecting so many awsome muslim romance story writers here ...i love english literature esp da novels but culdnt exactly imagine myself in the heroines shoes  but now i can finnaly relate to them  .....^_^


Hello ^_^
          Thank you for becoming a fan. I really appreciate it. :)
          To answer your first question, Malay is a ethnicity/race in Southeast Asia. It's my race. =) As for your second question; I'm not really sure which Ali it is either as I found the quote on Tumblr and it was cited as Ali M. .