Hey everyone I know I haven't posted for a while but I wanted to say thank you for reading, voting, commenting, and following me it meant a lot to me. During the time I was out I thought to better discontinue my dxd fanfic for now. I know these stories mean to you. For now I want to focus on the Kung fu panda story then I'll continue the dxd fanfic one by one (You can choose what story will go first.) Maybe all of them at once when I'm done. During the time you can make suggestions on my stories that can make it better than its already is. Hope in near future you can request to make into a series of the story that is already completed. Also I hope I can make new dxd fanfic other than betrayal stories like Issei was a devil, or angel, bibcal god or a satan something like that. You can suggest what Issei can be then I'll think about. If possible I'll try to fulfill your request once I'm ready to make a new fanfic. I might change my mind to continue the dxd fanfic/ create a new fanfic.