
11:11 <333 while typing this, growth is beautiful. it’s been awhile! 


ok i republished old drafts of stories i made years ago....they're horrible but read for a good laugh! lol literally. i was 12ish at the time when i was super into wattpad, i cringe at my old works- maybe i'll come back and write again but that's unlikely until awhile.


Have a new story? Want to get rid of your boring covers? Well, let me tell you, and you guys know I am rarely ever wrong, there is an account that can help give one of the best covers and premades in the Wattpad Community. The account is @paradoxe !! I promise you that the designer is so amazing especially when it comes to graphics. No joke. They are that good. So good, that I am even requesting some covers for myself. Just make sure you go check the account. You won't regret it. Actually I am sure you'll thank me. Comment down below if you checked it out and loved it as much as I did. Till next times loves :)


I read bad boy cliche, it's awesome. 
          Please read my story and vote :)


@phredha Thanks for reading my story. Don't forget to vote and comment and always remember to have fun!