
Jack Septic Eye is the bomb!!


Mychemicalway021 is the best. The best at writing fan fiction the best at being a best friend and the best at cheering me up. Mychemicalway021 rocks out with me all the time too. And yeah, I'd steal a drawing that she made that got taken away. And yes, I wld get In school suspension and out of school suspension for mychemicalway021. I'd even get expelled. There it is. That's my most important friend.  My musical twin. The only person I can really talk to about my problems and the only person I LIKE sharing music with. 


mychemicalway021 is my best friend. I appreciate my best friend and my best friend is no waste of space. My best friend is the one person I trust and believe in. She stands up for what she believes in no matter what. When someone tries to put her down she rises above them and shows them they can't dull her. When someone messes with someone she cares about she shows them why they should stop. She has a wonderful taste in music too. She's an important friend to me and I just wanted her to know all that. I care about her. And if you ever feel like no one cares, remember  I do. 


 now ur gonna make me cry..... 


@chemical-panic today on: how to make your friend cry with happiness. This episode: chemical-panic shows her frien how much she cares, and that makes her friend incredibly happy