
Hi dear readers,
          	I have added a new story on Wattpad, Another Chance. i would request you to check it out. There is only one chapter right now so please share your thoughts as well.


Hey welcome back with new book 
          Still your book cursed bride give me shivers 
          It's in archive but never got the courage to read again


@AranikaRoychowdhury Thank you so much for the warm words. I hope my new story, Another chance is up to your expectations. Also, My second work was Entrapped which I have exclusively published on Dreame, check it out if you would like something intense.



Hi guys,
          I have updated the epilogue for ENTRAPPED. I apologise for the delay but I just was not ready to close the book yet but things have to come to an end. I have said my goodbyes to the characters and will try to create new one to tell yet another tale.
          I hope you all are doing fine. I have been going through some tough time but alas I have found my magic shop in BTS, a place that makes me smile no matter how down I am.
          I will be back with a new story and I hope you all will be there to support me.