
Trying to write something new during Nanowrimo this year! Anyone else taking the challenge this month? Hoping to make this my first "win" 


أنشر عملك لدينا 
          نحن دار نشر مصرية وعربية، نحن ننشر أعمال المبدعين المتميزين للراغبيين بنشر أعمالهم، وننشر باللغة العربية والإنجليزية. 
          نشارك بأربع معرض دولية 
          بالاضافة لوجودنا في منصات
          راسلنا على الانستجرام 
          سجل في الفورم للنشر 



Hi! Thanks so much for adding A Raven's Wing to your reading list! I hope you don't mind fanfic too much... Also thanks for reminding me that I really need to get on with reading The Queen's Gambit! I mean, it's my favourite story on here and I still haven't finished it – oopsXD Congrats on getting featured!!!:)


@amaryll28 Thanks!! I love how you write and don't mind fanfic at all  Can't wait to take a look! 


Thank you to everyone who has been voting and adding The Queen's Gambit to their reading lists! I haven't been very engaged here the past couple of weeks due to a lot of personal developments, but things are clearing up now. Back to the writing! 


@phantom_paper I'm working on something new but am dissatisfied and have rewritten several times now. Hopefully I'll get a version I feel is good enough to post here sometime this year.   Will enjoy hearing your thoughts when it happens! 


@cherishedmortal Aww, shucks, you're most welcome! I think it's brave of you to try out something new and I totally get what your intentions are. I've wanted to do the same thing before! Probably better if it started a little further back or the very beginning like you said.
             Your English is pretty good, it's what I look for when reading on Wattpad. Grammar mistakes and cliché characters just ruin everything, which is not hard to find on this platform. I look forward to more of your works!


@phantom_paper thanks for the kind words! I'd LOVE to have more feedback and am so happy you let me know what you thought. My intention was to drop into the middle of Rhea's story and to weave in over time what had happened before Chapter 1, but feedback like yours helps me figure out whether that actually works or not (and to consider that maybe the story would be done better justice if I started at the *very* beginning). So thank you! 


          I think we're sisters from different mothers 'cause I, too, am a huge fan of Sarah J. Maas. I have gotten a question for you that I asked so many people but won't answer me, which is how did you get all the reads and votes you have, 'cause I have been working my ass of for three months but it isn't paying as it should!? What am I supposed to do? Please help!


@3darkknights yeah I couldn't care less about whatever Chaol is up to in the southern continent...ugh!
            Glad I could help. Good luck to us :) 


@cherishedmortal Thanx for the advice, and I dislike Choal so much that I would've stopped reading the series had it not been for the fantastic characters, Alien, Rowan, etc. 
            I had stopped updating for about four months as I had no phone nor laptop and was in Uni, which I think was the main reason why ppl ditched my story. But thank you very much. I'll try as best as I can to be at the top :D
            Meet you there.


@3darkknights I hope we are bc I've always wanted a sister hehe...what are your thoughts on the Chaol book instead of TOG6? I'm still working on EOS but I hear it ends in a huge cliffhanger and another year feels soooo least there's ACOWAR coming! 
            So I started writing on here a couple years ago, finished it last year, and up until I got featured three weeks ago, I only had somewhere around 4-5K reads. But I've noticed a few things that can help you. First, it's really important to post on a consistent schedule. I definitely noticed a decline in reads after missing a couple weeks of updates. Joining book clubs will get you nice engagement/votes. When you mark a story as complete, you'll also see a bump in reads. Participating in the forums can also help people discover you. But for me, getting featured was definitely when my reads took off. You'll need a complete, polished story to apply, but it's worth a try. ❤️


Thank you for the votes!!!!! And follow!


@ShadoOkami62601 do what you have to do! 


@ShadoOkami62601 I will but it depends because of school


@ShadoOkami62601 of course, I loved your art and I hope you put more up! 