It’s been since I opened this account. What have I been up to? I was busy since then and now I’m upcoming 12th grade! Gosh, I feel like pandemic was yesterday. I’m glad to be back and I’m trying to get back my anime phase because lately I’ve been enjoying myself being a fan of so many Kpop artists. I’m hoping all of you are doing great! ps: I’ve read all of my rants here, I can’t believe I was such a mess and I’m glad I’m all okay now. ❤️
@TheRichtofen115 Yup, I understand. It’s all right though, that came out of my mind and just had the urge to ask you.
@cherry-blossom108 no prob although I'm gonna have to decline out of both caution and principle can't be too careful
@TheRichtofen115 Oh no! But thank you so much for worrying about me. I’d like to be friends with you also