
Hey guys~
          	Exciting news this afternoon(/Morning)! 
          	I have just posted the first special chapter following In the Shadows~ 
          	It is a short story that follows Yunho and Min’s story from WAY before the rest of the story was set, from the very beginning xx 
          	I hope u like it! Pretty please leave comments if u feel like it! I’ve been so attached to these two characters’ stories for so long that I think I’ll cry if I don’t hear how it’s received and whether u guys like it.. 
          	Also, not to spoil as to whether or not there’s more coming after this, but… o.o
          	I really hope u enjoy!!!


@ cherry_eve  eveee drop another in the shadows chapter and my life is yours!! ‍♀️‍♀️


Hey guys~
          Exciting news this afternoon(/Morning)! 
          I have just posted the first special chapter following In the Shadows~ 
          It is a short story that follows Yunho and Min’s story from WAY before the rest of the story was set, from the very beginning xx 
          I hope u like it! Pretty please leave comments if u feel like it! I’ve been so attached to these two characters’ stories for so long that I think I’ll cry if I don’t hear how it’s received and whether u guys like it.. 
          Also, not to spoil as to whether or not there’s more coming after this, but… o.o
          I really hope u enjoy!!!


@ cherry_eve  eveee drop another in the shadows chapter and my life is yours!! ‍♀️‍♀️


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* Re: No Translations or Printing of my works please *
          Evening (/Morning) all~~
          I haven’t been sure whether I should announce this or not, but it is becoming a problem and I don’t want to let it get out of hand. 
          Please, I do not want any of my works translated &/or posted elsewhere/printed, even if for personal use. 
          I promise I’m not saying that to be an asshole, and I don’t want to be mean or upset anyone. But a lot of my works I developed into “fanfiction” based on original books I had already written, & at some point, I want to attempt to publish them through the mainstream. I can’t do that however, if they are floating around elsewhere. I am constantly editing, changing & updating my stories, & I want to keep everything consistent. But I can’t do that when it’s on other people’s accounts & other websites, & I have no way of knowing what is being done to my work in languages I can’t read. 
          There are however, a number of people who have been doing this anyway, & blocking me so I can’t see them, under the assumption that I won’t find out. To the few who have messaged me for permission, & then blocked me after I’ve declined, please take them down. Obviously, u won’t see this, since u BLOCKED me, but guys, come on… 
          If anyone happens across any of my works elsewhere in other languages, especially on wattpad, can u please report it & screenshot it to send to me so I can try to get them taken down?? I’d really appreciate it.
          I’m not doing this to be an asshole, I’m really not. I just… *sigh. Can’t I reserve my right to refuse? I’m tired… I love it here, I rlly do, but lately, with not only the theft and plagiarism, but this too, I feel like I’m seeing more dark than light. 
          Please also do not print and make copies of them either… 
          I feel gross, I’m sorry, but I need to have it said. 
          And on that (rather gross) note, I hope u are all having a nice night/day ♡ 
          All my love.


@hosh1_books thank u so much ~~ ♡ u are a beautiful soul, I appreciate it more than I can say 


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@cherry_eve owh hun ur not the asshole here , i'm sorry that this happened to u :(( if i find smth like that i'll show u , i hope it won't happend again


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Merry Christmas guys~
          It’s that time of year again. I can’t believe an entire year flew past so quick! Whether u are on holidays or not, celebrate with grand festivities, or not at all, I hope u all have a wonderful next couple of days~~
          I myself don’t really celebrate Christmas, but I did want to do a little something to give to u guys, and considering I haven’t published anything new in a long while, I decided these past two weeks that I would start a little mini project. 
          This time last year, I did a cute little year anniversary update on my Christmas romance story “Moving Day,” but I wanted to do something a little different this year. So I dug through my old drafts, dusted off the cobwebs, and found this little story outline I started years ago after I finished A Pirate’s Parlay. It was definitely the “different” I was going for, so I decided to park my ass down, stretch out my RSI knuckles and bust it out. 
          If u read the first one, you’d know that it was more in Hongjoong’s POV, and filled with wild, unplanned, totally ridiculous scenes from cover to cover (and of course, some smut too). This time, I wanted to change it up a bit, so this time, we will be seeing more of Mingi’s POV though the wonderfully ridiculous, wild adventures they embark on. 
          It’s nothing serious, Just a bit of fun. I know these short novels don’t generate a lot of interest, but I wanted to do it for those of you if you who told me how much you loved the first book. If you happen to give it a go, I hope you enjoy it~
          Anywho~ It’s Christmas Eve here and I’m stinking hot. I hope those of you in the snow are enjoying yourselves (I’m so fucking jealous), and those of you who aren’t… Well I hope you aren’t sweltering to death like I am -.-
          And on that note, I wish you all smiles and happiness and rainbows and whatever else it is on your wish lists. 
          Merry Christmas!
          And as always, 
          Happy reading~
          Eve ♡


@cherry_eve merry Christmas to you too


@cherry_eve MERRY CHRISTMAS!!


Hi! I just wanted to say I love your books and that I hope you’re doing well! I can’t wait for your next update! 


nope! no book in particular, all your books are held dear to me since they’re so well written ^^


Awww thanks babe ♡ ur so sweet! I hope you’re enjoying ur holidays, and if not, that you’re living life and having fun haha~~ 
             p.s., any book in particular?… I’m not a santa follower lol, but i guess he might come early haha 


You seem like you'd be so much fun to be around lol. The chaos in your personality shines through. The world needs more of your kind (profession wise and human wise). 
          Have a great weekend! <3


@cherry_eve Don't know why I just saw this--probably because I didn't receive a notification. 
            Hope you've had a bit more time to look into the Docs issue, and also hope you're enjoying your hiatus. Have a good one! :)


Omg lol, u just made my day haha, imo, the world needs more people like u who reach out and create smiles ♡ 


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Important: Theft Announcement!
          Google Docs Scraping—
          Attn readers and writers and Google Docs users, 
          I don’t know HOW many fucking times I’m going to have to do this, but I guess here we are again. 
          Guys, it has just come to my attention that Google Docs is allegedly scanning every single one of their google docs to help train AI. (Takes enormous breath and rolls eyes into asshole). 
          What does this mean? 
          Well, whether or not they *are* doing it, which I have *no* doubt they are, this means that anything you have up on their fucking drive, is going to be ‘learned’ by AI, and whether you’re writing books or papers or WHATEVER it is you might have up there, AI will learn how to create that shit, using your storylines, characters, research and whatever else you might have up there, and it will be able to create content with YOUR SHIT. 
          Seriously, what the fuck is happening to the world? 
          Anywho, I don’t have enough time rn to look further into this, but when I do, I’ll add a chapter or so to my self publishing awareness book (the big fuck-off red one in my booklist), because this affects everyone equally. 
          I don’t have many followers here, and the moment I hit post here, I’ll have even less, so please spread the word so that it can get to people who are genuinely worried about this, before it’s too late. 
          And I guess that’s about it. *sigh*… 
          Everyone back to what u were doing. 


@atinyox visual artists have been fked already so I guess it’s just a matter of time


@atinyox that’s what I thought, but apparently (no clue if it’s true) they’re using the AI so they can just scrape everything. NOT SURE IF ITS TRUE, but honestly, it wouldn’t surprise me


@cherry_eve srs?? I write, have everything in Google Docs... But a lot of ppl use docs, so the possibility of ai copying ours in a whole bunch of millions is pretty low


This is my first time attempting to share a link here, so I hope it works! (It's just an Instagram reel)
          When I saw this, I IMMEDIATELY thought of Woo in TODO  cute~


@BecomingStar YO why is that so accurate
            Sometimes I see videos and they hit hard from TODO and it kinda makes me all gooey and soft lol 


 Omggg I didn’t know u could share those either?! Damn, u learn something every day, lemme watch rl quick—


 it worked! 
            Don't judge me! I'm just 26 and not so good with technology MOST of the time! 


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Attn TODO readers~!
          Poll time ♡ 
          Would you like;
          A, me to start publishing chapters maybe once or twice a week while I start getting ahead in the drafts so I can return to daily publishing? 
          or, B, wait, potentially another month or probably more to start publishing? 
          I’m doing my last lot of placements + work and I genuinely only have 1-2 days a week to to assessments and shit, so I have very little time to start writing season 5, so it could be a while. However I have about 20 drafts, so we could be getting into it sooner. 
          Tell me what y’all want and I shall adhere!
          Hope y’all are doing g as, and to those scowering my other books, you’re legends, I love u all. Been laughing at the comments in “Wattpad,” business partners and the pirates parlay especially, lmao. Also, sobbing for in the shadows, y’all are amazing, I hope u like tonight’s update!
          Anywho, lemme know. I’ll probably decide maybe tomorrow morning while I’m drinking my coffee whether I’ll start posting Season 5!
          Happy reading fam~
          Love Eve~ 


A for me, once or twice a week is totally worth my curiosity and need for drama soon ^_^


@cherry_eve I think b option is great I would rather wait with a thought that our author is doing okay with their personal and working life ( I'm taking about balance) 


@5angelofm eeeee sweet, looks like people rlly want the daily publishing back lol 