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Yeah I've definitely learned from all of it and know what to look out for. I'd like to think that if I ever experience a cheating ex again that I won't just ignore the obvious red flags, but yeah I guess it was because it was my first relationship and shit so that was probably why I choose to ignore it and I was only like 15,5 - 17 when I was in that relationship sooo. We had also been engaged for barely two months before we broke up (it had felt right at the time but was clearly later a mistake..)
He broke it off cuz I took him in a lie and confronted him. I found out he cheated with at least two girls after the break up, and always suspected a 3rd, but that I could never proof, like I could the other 2 but im almost 110% sure it happened.
Anyway, Id also like to think I can spot someone trying to manipulate and mentally abuse me from a mile away. I've learned to speak up, speak my mind, say no to people or say if someone hurts my feelings, set boundaries, I know what did not deserve what was done to me, and I know my worth and how I deserve to be treated in the future. However having the mindset and being confrontational about it is two different things, I'm not good at the latter so that's something I'm still working on. So yeah, life is sorta good now at least, ups and downs, no toxic people in my life tho so that's good :D