
The next chapter of "Frozen in your Gaze" has been published! And there will be an extra special bonus chapter coming later tonight! 


if i wanna send a fanart, do I just message it to you or what? BTW can I draw sapphire but how I think she looks like? Bc im not sure if you told us how she looked like before or no, sorry for bad english


            Hii!!! Ok first of all, your comments on the Playlist chapter were so sweet! I love that you love a lot of the songs I included. 
            And yes omg if you want to send fanart I think you might be able to send it via private message here on wattpad. 
            Also, yes I should have made this more obvious but my profile for Sapphira is in my total drama ocs book, I'll add the link to the chapter here


When are you going to continue with the fanfic of cuphead show x oc genie?


@Cartoons24 my bad! I didn't get this notification for some reason. But I'm actually in the process of writing the next chapter! It should come out either sometime tonight or maybe tomorrow. Sorry it's taken me so long I got so distracted when the new total drama season came out. But the new chapter will be released soon! I'm really glad you're interested in it :)


Hey, uh.. since you mentioned that you have insta.. can you tell me whats ur user? If you dont want to for personal reasons, its fine!


@ItzBiancaNotDanish hey I'm really sorry but bc I keep my identity private on here, I don't give out my socials sorry!! :( maybe someone in the future I'll be more comfortable but for now, it's a secret


I'd just like to bring to attention how many really rude and hurtful people there are on social media. I'm not mad at any of you, I'm talking about the people I encounter on Instagram. 
          Listen, for those of you who didn't know, I am accepting of people of any gender and sexuality (except for p3dos) and I have several ships that I really like, specifically for this rant, in One Piece
          I ADORE Luffy x Nami and Zoro x Sanji and I usually express that greatly over social media. However, I encounter several people on a regular basis who don't have the same opinion. I am a multishipper and I do have ships that I really don't like, but that doesn't mean I dislike the person who ships it. The only reason someone will not get my respect is if they ship illegal ships (All Might x Deku) or if they don't respect me or other shippers. I have come across so many toxic people on Instagram, literally sending me d3ath threats just bc I don't ship Luffy x Hancock. It's sickening and makes me terrified that some people can actually have the audacity to be this horrible to others. It's literally just a ship.
          And other people that make me mad on insta are the transphobes...
          Kiku was confirmed to be a trans woman in one of the episodes/ manga chapters. She says that she was born a man but is a woman at heart. THAT MEANS SHE WANTS TO BE REFERRED TO AS A WOMAN AND SHE SEES HERSELF AS A WOMAN!! But whenever I try to RESPECTFULLY correct people misgendering her, I get all this backlash from people! They don't want to be respectable human beings and keep up with the constant transphobia just bc of their reasoning that she "doesn't have what it takes to be a woman", if you know what I'm referring to. It's disgusting, incredibly rude, not only to Kiku but to Oda himself, and I always know that when I comment on a post about Kiku using her correct pronouns, I'll attract transphobes like moths to a flame. 
          I needed that rant. It's been a rough week.